Spark Growth services many children in our community by delivering enrichment activities to their learning environments. Enrichment activities are focused on whole child approach to learning. We spend many hours researching hands-on, project based learning lessons to grow connections with the students. Our activities include reading a book and supportive activities. Spark Growth visits sites to provide these activities include art, crafts, science projects, STEAM and STEM activities.
These activities, which are crucial for the children's creativity and education, require many consumable supplies. Our consumable can be quite extensive. Therefore, we are asking individuals and companies to review our “Monthly Consumables List” and generously donate to the children in this community.
We are an entirely volunteer-run organization that relies 100% on the good will and kindness of our donors.
For many children, these activities are not just a pastime, but their only opportunity to be creative through art and other enrichment activities we provide. Your support can make a significant difference in their lives.
We would greatly appreciate your support. If you are able to help, please consider making a donation or reaching out to discuss other ways you can contribute to our cause.
Sponsor an art project and support literacy in your community
Its a great way to give back while supporting the arts and reading.
We will then attach a sponsor card to our take home activities we provide; these go home to families. That is an opportunity to show families you care about your community, students, arts, andreading!
Sponsorship starting at $50
Purchase consumable supplies for students
From markers to crayons, colored construction paper to glue sticks, pop cycle sticks to pipe cleaners and everything in-between, that's what good art projects are made of!
Help us to supply wonderful enrichment projects for the students in the community today. Each donation makes a difference!
We have a new way for you to donate to help us support children in our community!
ChangeUp is an easy way for you to "round up" your purchases to a whole dollar and the difference is donated to help us purchase books and art supplies for students and families in our community.
Join me on ChangeUp to send spare change to Spark Growth!
Simply choose Spark Growth Program charity